Here is the list of all my larger projects:

Recipe Manager Application

home page add ingredient page add recipe page pantry page what can I cook page

This was my first project in C# for the Programming module assignment in my first year of Uni. After learning C# for the first time, I prepared for this project through several smaller tasks; these include basic use of classes and functions in mini games, a calculator, a task manager. We started learning C# with console outputs and moved onto WinForms, which is what's used in this project.

As well as giving me an opportunity to broaden my knowledge on C# beyond the coursework, this project has taught me how to utilise my understanding of C# and efficiently produce a piece of software that is functional. Some samples of code and planning can be seen in the pictures.

Topics taught in our module that were used in this project: classes and variables, functions, collections/lists and loops, testing, file IO, WinForms properties and events.

Topics I learned on my own through this project: working with multiple forms, get/set, other keywords such as default and readOnly, deeper dive into classes, directories, constructors.

The skills I used in or learned from this project: C#, GitHub, Organisation, Communication, Planning, Reflective.

planning planning load file code save function

University Building Website

home page home page computing courses page map page

This website was for my WebDev module assignment in my first year of Uni. It is a website for our university's computing building where I have most of my classes, Cantor College. I had some previous knowledge on HTML and CSS (more info in skills), however, I learned JS and PHP for the first time with this module, as well as the concept of mobile-first web design.

Although I had a year of HTML and CSS experience before this project, it allowed me to practice efficiency and organisation with neater code. I learned new CSS properties to better reflect my vision in the design. It was the first website I developed with the use of a database in MySQL, hosted locally with the use of an XAMPP server.

Images on the right preview my wireframes for the home page on mobile and desktop, and the database that stores all the course data we were given. The search feature on the website is fully functional to quickly access a course from the database.

The skills I used in or learned from this project: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and databases, Organisation, Communication, Planning, Reflective.

database wireframedesktop wireframemobile

Budget Tracker Application

login page register page chart page home page monthly record page

This C# application was one of my projects for the Software Projects module in my first year of Uni. It was a step up from the recipe manager as I used a database server instead of a text file to store the data and, along with the performance and quality of the code, we were graded on the prep and documentation. The code was also more complex because of the intricacy and quantity of functions.

In terms of prep, I produced a low fidelity prototype and created a use-case diagram and an entity-relationship diagram (shown in the next images). In terms of documentation, we were taught to write a LSEPI (legal, social, ethical, political issues). I researched on some regulations to keep in mind when producing software. These include multiple articles in the GDPR, accessibility, and some potential ethical issues with a budget tracker.

The budget tracker has many functions aside from keeping logs of the user's financial activity. The user can view weekly and monthly records, charts, customize the theme, and set custom budgets for each month and category which will all be shown in the records for easy financial overview.

I learned to connect a database to a C# program on both MySQL and SQLite. I ended up using MySQL as it was more comfortable for me to use.

use case diagram entity relationship diagram notes 1 notes 2

An example of using problem solving skills was that bar charts were not an element of the WinForms version I was using, so I improvised and created one from scratch with the use of textboxes, each representing a category in the record. Each textbox's height correlated to the total expenditure of that category. However, to avoid going out of bound, I used the category with the largest expense as my base for 100% and set it to the maximum height that the bars could be at. Then I calculated what percent the next categories' expenses are of that largest one. That percentage is then taken from the maximum possible height and set for the category's bar.

The skills I used in or learned from this project: C#, SQL and databases, GitHub, Organisation, Communication, Planning, Reflective.

EER Calculator Website

calculate page dashboard page browse page login page add page

This was a group project for the Software Projects module in my first year of Uni. I was in a group of 6. In this project, we worked with a client who requested a website that can calculate the energy efficiency rating (EER) of buildings and store/show the EER of other buildings in the UK. We were given the necessary information, such as the formula for calculating EER and the range of possible results.

We started with having a brainstorming meeting where we planned a general timetable and assigned each person an area of the project. We had a google doc for meeting notes and one for writing our individual progress. I was allocated HTML, CSS, and design/wireframing along with 2 other teammates. We would still help each other out with any areas of the project to ensure time management and carry out good teamworking. I learned how to use GitHub on group projects to share and work on the same code with multiple people, as well as using live share in visual studio code.

I would say my strengths in the group project were keeping a positive attitude, making sure everyone is doing well, and presenting our work in client meetings. I am grateful I got to work in a team that was motivated and dedicated to submitting a high-quality project.

login page dashboard page browse page edit page eer range

The skills I used in or learned from this project: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and databases, GitHub, Organisation, Teamworking, Communication, Leadership, Planning, Reflective.

Personal Portfolio Website

This project is the very website you are on. I decided to start doing personal projects during my summer break to expand my portfolio. What better way of expanding a portfolio than creating a visual one. This website helps employers or anyone interested in learning more about me professionally go through everything I have to offer and contact me easily.

The skills I used in or learned from this project: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub, Organisation, Planning, Reflective.

Although this is more of a personal project, I have definitely learned a lot of new website development techniques. These include new design features such as an interactive flip switch in the 'my journey' tab that swaps between content on my journey and my experiences, some SVG designs used on my navbar and blobs on the projects page, and enabling me to expand my creativity with how I display images on the projects page.